Terms and Conditions

General provisions
These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "terms") apply only to business relations between the buyer and the seller JC Elektronika s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the "seller"), concluded through electronic commerce on the site www.prevodniky.sk or www.jc-e.eu (hereinafter referred to as "e-shop"). These terms and conditions amend and further specify the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer in their up-to-date form and are an integral part of the purchase contract.
Seller - Operator of the e-shop
REG No.: 51 439 255, TAX No.: 2120691606, VAT No.: SK2120691606
Located at: Bôrická cesta 103, Žilina, Slovensko.
The buyer can be a consumer or another trader who has sent an electronic request for an order via electronic commerce.
Rights according to Slovakian law no. 108/2024 on consumer protection apply only to sales contracts concluded between a trader and a consumer.
- consumer is a physical person who, when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract, does not act within the scope of his business activity or profession
- trader is a person who, when concluding and fulfilling a contract, acts within the framework of their business activity or profession
Ordering procedure - Electronic Purchase Order Request
The term electronic purchase order request means an electronic form, that is a form sent in an electronic data format, containing buyer information, a list of ordered goods from the store that are on offer and a full order price without shipping charges.
The buyer is notified by e-mail that an order request was submitted. The e-mail contains data sent via the electronic form. The order request is not binding for either the buyer or the seller.
Based on the received order request, the seller will send the buyer an email with information about the availability of the goods, the price of the goods, the amount of postage, the total cost of the order and the method of payment. This e-mail is considered to be a purchase contract draft.
The customer must confirm the validity of the purchase contract draft by replying to the e-mail with the draft (when using payment by invoice) or by paying the total amount indicated in the purchase contract draft.
The customer is entitled to cancel the order without giving a reason until the shipment is not sent out form the seller. If the shipment has already been dispatched, it is possible to agree to cancel it by mutual agreement between the buyer and the seller. Buyer is required to inform the seller of the cancellation of the order by e-mail.
Purchase Contract
A purchase contract will be established by sending a confirmatory e-mail with the purchase contract draft or by accepting payment for the goods. An established contract (including the agreed price) may be amended or canceled only by agreement between the parties or for legitimate reasons.
The contract can be concluded in Slovak or English language.
Withdrawal from Contract
The buyer's right to withdraw from the contract made by purchasing via the e-shop
Right to withdraw from a contract
You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving a reason within 14 days.
The period for withdrawing from the contract expires after 14 days from the day when you or a third party designated by you, other than the shipping carrier, takes over the goods.
When exercising the right to withdraw from the contract, inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by a clear statement (for example, by letter sent by post or e-mail) to the address:
JC Elektronika s.r.o., Bôrická cesta 103, 010 01 Žilina, Slovak Republic
For this purpose you can use a form (available here) to withdraw from the contract, but its use is not mandatory.
The withdrawal period is preserved if you send a notice that you will exercise the right to withdraw from the contract before the withdrawal period expires.
Consequences of withdrawal from the contract
After withdrawing from the contract, we will return all payments that you made in connection with the conclusion of the contract, including the costs of delivering the goods to you. This does not apply to additional costs if you have chosen a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery method we offer.
Payments will be returned to you no later than 14 days from the day we receive your notice of withdrawal from the contract. The refund payment will be made in the same way that you used for your purchase payment, if you did not expressly agree to a different payment method, without charging any additional fees.
The buyer bears the costs of returning the goods.
The buyer is only responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods as a result of using them in a way other than what is necessary to determine the nature, properties and functionality of the goods.
Withdrawal from the contract by commercial buyers - businesses buyers
If the buyer is a businessman, an alternative withdrawal from the purchase contract may be offered depending on the state of the returned goods, potential breach of warranty and the current price of the returned goods. The condition of the goods is evaluated by the seller. In the event of not reaching an agreement to the conditions acceptable for both parties, the goods will be returned at the expense of the seller.
Delivery time and terms
The place of contract settlement is considered to be the place of residence or place of business of the buyer listed in the order request form. The seller will deliver the goods through the use of the services of third parties (Slovak Post, DHL) or deliver the goods by his own means, or based on the agreement with the buyer, the goods will be ready at the seller's place, where the buyer will collect them within 7 days after the seller's request.
The delivery of the goods is performed by handing them over to the buyer directly or by a handover to the Slovak Post mail service or by a currier that will transport the goods to the buyer. Together with the goods, the seller supplies the buyer with all the relevant documents that apply to the goods, that is: Invoice - tax document (in written or electronic form - on request), delivery (warranty) sheet with production numbers of the delivered goods and a manual with warranty claim section.
The ownership right of the item sold, the risk of accidental damage, accidental deterioration and loss of the item are passed to the buyer at the time of delivery.
According to the Slovak Civil Code Act No. 40/1964 - Amendment No. 108/2024, the seller will deliver the ordered goods to the buyer no later than 30 days after sending the order, unless otherwise agreed with the buyer or a deadline that is extremely important to the buyer has not been agreed upon. Our specific terms are that the seller will deliver the goods to the buyer as soon as possible after confirming the draft of the purchase contract. The delivery time may be longer in exceptional cases (depending on the availability of the goods) and can be subject to a specific agreement between the two parties. Failure to deliver goods within the specified date entitles the buyer to withdraw from the contract.
The goods will be delivered to the buyer in normal packaging.
After withdrawing from the contract, the seller shall return to the buyer without undue delay everything he received from the buyer based on the contract.
Return policy
- The buyer must visually inspect the goods immediately upon and after delivery of the goods. The buyer has the right not to accept the goods if there is visible mechanical damage on them, clearly caused by shipping or if the goods are incomplete. In such a case, the buyer is obliged to write a damage report with the delivery person or refuse to accept the shipment.
- The warranty period of the goods is 24 months.
- If the goods have defects, the buyer must notify the seller within two months of discovering the defects, at the latest by the end of the warranty period.
- The buyer has the right to choose to remove the defect by replacing the item or repairing the item. The buyer cannot choose a method of removing the defect that is not possible or that, compared to an alternative method of removing the defect, would cause the seller disproportionate costs, taking into account all the circumstances, especially the value the item had without the defect, the severity of the defect and the possibility that another method of removing the defect would cause significant difficulties for the buyer.
- The seller can refuse the removal of the defect if the repair or replacement is not possible or if it would require unreasonable costs taking into account all the circumstances, including the circumstances mentioned above.
- The seller will repair or replace the itemwithin a reasonable period of time after the buyer complained about the defect, free of charge, at his own expense and without causing serious difficulties to the buyer, taking into account the state of the item and the purpose for which the buyer requested the item.
- For the purpose of repair or replacement, the buyer hands over or makes the item available to the seller or a person authorized by the seller. The shipping costs for returning the item are at seller's expense.
- The seller will deliver the repaired item or a replacement item to the buyer at his own expense in the same or a similar way in which the buyer delivered the defective item, unless the parties agree otherwise.
- If the buyer will not pick up the item within six months from the day it was supposed to be taken back, the seller can sell the item. If the item is of a greater value, the seller will notify the buyer in advance of the intended sale and provide a reasonable additional period of time to pick up the item. Immediately after the sale, the seller will pay the buyer the proceeds from the sale of the item, after deducting the costs spent on its storage and sale, if the buyer exercises the right to a share of the proceeds within a reasonable period specified by the seller in the notification of the intended sale of the item. The seller can destroy the item at his own expense if it was not possible to sell it or if the expected proceeds from the sale wound not be sufficient to cover the costs the seller spent on storing the item and the costs the seller would have to spend on its sale.
The buyer has the right to a reasonable discount from the purchase price or can withdraw from the purchase contract even without an additional reasonable period of time during the return proceedings if:
- - the seller did not repair or replace the item,
- - the seller refused to remove the defect
- - the item has the same defect despite the repair or replacement of the item
- - the defect is of such a serious nature that it justifies an immediate discount from the purchase price or withdrawal from the purchase contract, or
- - the seller has declared or it is clear from the circumstances that he will not remove the defect within a reasonable period of time or without causing serious difficulties for the buyer.
- When assessing the buyer's right to a discount from the purchase price or withdrawal from the purchase contract, all circumstances are taken into account, especially the type and value of the item, the nature and severity of the defect and the possibility of objectively asking the buyer to trust the seller's ability to remove the defect. The discount from the purchase price must be proportionate to the difference between the value of the item when it was sold and the value that the item would have if it had no defects.
- The buyer cannot withdraw from the purchase contract if the buyer caused the defect or if the defect is negligible (does not seriously affect the functionality of the item). The seller bears the burden of proof that the buyer participated in the cause of the defect or that the defect is negligible.
- If the contract covers the purchase of more than one item, the buyer may withdraw from the contract only in relation to the defective item. In relation to other items, the withdrawal from the contract can be made only if it cannot be reasonably expected that the buyer will be interested in keeping the other items without the defective item.
- After withdrawing from the contract or part of it, the buyer returns the item to the seller at the seller's expense. The seller will provide removal of the item that was installed in accordance to its intended use and purpose before the defect became apparent. If the seller does not remove the item within a reasonable period of time, the buyer can ensure the removal and delivery of the item to the seller at the seller's expense and risk.
- After withdrawal from the contract, the seller will return the purchase price to the buyer no later than 14 days from the day of returning the item to the seller or after proving that the buyer has sent the item to the seller, whichever occurs first.
- The seller will return the purchase price to the buyer or pay him a discount from the purchase price in the same way that the buyer used to pay the purchase price, if the buyer does not expressly agree to another payment method. All costs associated with the payment are at seller's expense.
- The buyer does not have the right to compensation for damage caused by normal wear and tear of the item and to compensation for the normal use of the item before withdrawing from the purchase contract.
- If the seller refuses the responsibility for defects, the seller will notify the buyer in writing of the reasons for the refusal. If the buyer proves the seller's responsibility for the defect through an expert opinion or expert opinion issued by an accredited person, an authorized person or a notified body, the buyer can point out the defect repeatedly and the seller cannot refuse responsibility for the defect.
- The buyer makes a return claim through remote communication (by letter, telephone or e-mail) and is obliged to deliver or make the claimed goods available to the seller together with a copy of the proof of purchase document for the goods.
- The seller shall provide the buyer with a written confirmation of the defect immediately after the defect has been pointed out by the buyer. In the confirmation of the defect, the seller shall state the deadline in which the defect will be removed. The period of time for the deadline may be no longer than 30 days from the day the defect was reported, if a longer period is not justified by an objective reason that is beyond the seller's control.
- The seller is responsible for defects that appear on the sold goods during the warranty period caused by material defects, functional errors or defects caused during production, assembly or installation.
- The warranty does not cover defects caused by improper operation, inappropriate handling, use or installation that is contrary to the user manual, or defects caused by excessive mechanical wear. The warranty also does not cover damages caused by an act of God, natural disasters, violent damage, weather conditions or operation under extreme and abnormal conditions.
- The warranty is void in the event of unauthorised tampering with the goods by a person who has not been expressly authorised to do so by the operator or manufacturer of the goods.
Warranty claim procedure:
- (Recommended) In writing, by e-mail or by telephone, inform the seller of a defect or a failure. The seller will assess whether it is a defect that has to be claimed or if it is not a defect of the product, the seller may suggest to the customer a way to eliminate the defect (in cases of improper use, improper installation,...).
The customer fills out the complaint protocol (description of the defect, method of installation of the product,...) and sends it together with the product and a copy of the delivery sheet to the address of the seller:
JC Elektronika s.r.o., Bôrická cesta 103, Žilina, Slovak Republic.
Terms of payment
Payment options:
- Payment by bank transfer in advance.
- Payment in advance via PayPal (The seller is charged additional costs for using this service. The seller reserves the right to charge a fee to the buyer in an amount that does not exceed the actual incurred costs of this payment method.)
- Cash on delivery (cash is collected from the customer by the shipping carrier).
- Payment on an invoice with due date (only by mutual agreement).
If the price of goods is paid through an electronic payment, the goods are dispatched with priority after the total price has been credited to the seller's account.
Shipping prices
The online store (e-shop) always lists current and valid prices.
The seller specifies the shipping and handling cost according to the buyer's choice. This cost is added to the price of goods which the buyer is obliged to pay along with the agreed price of the goods as stated in the purchase contract draft. The amount of postage and the handling fee is specified on the seller's website or in the draft of the purchase contract for specific delivery methods (outside the EU, DHL,...).
Delivery with DHL courier:
- 9.50€ - within Slovak Republic, order price up to 500€
- 17.00€ - delivery to Czech Republic, order price up to 800€
- 20.00€ - within EU, order price up to 1000€
- 41.00€ - Switzerland, Norway and countries outside EU
- 28.00€ - UK (United Kingdom)
Delivery with Slovak Post:
- 10.50€ - within Slovak Republic, order price up to 500€ and payment on delivery
Prices are without VAT. No shipping cost is charged if the order price is higher than stated in the shipping cost list in this paragraph.
Privacy policy
When processing personal data, the Seller is guided by Slovak Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data. Personal data is processed only for the purpose of invoicing and delivery of goods and is protected in accordance with the law.
Supervision is carried out by Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI)
Slovak Trade Inspection
Slovenská Obchodná Inšpekcia (SOI) Inšpektorát SOI pre Žilinský kraj
Predmestská 71, P.O. Box B-89, 011 79 Žilina 1
Odbor výkonu dohľadu
tel. č.: 041/7632 130, 041/7245868
Alternative resolution of consumer disputes:
- According to Slovak Act no. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution of Consumer Disputes effective from January 1st 2016, the alternative dispute resolution bodies by law are the Office for Regulation of Network Industries, the Office for Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services and the Slovak Trade Inspection.
- The consumer has the right to submit a request for redress if a dispute arises between the consumer and the seller to the seller, arising from the rights to exercise the liability for defects or if the consumer believes that the seller has infringed on other consumer rights.
- The seller shall inform the consumer on a physical medium of the relevant alternative dispute resolution bodies if the seller has responded negatively to the request.
- The consumer has the right to submit a proposal to start an alternative dispute resolution (hereinafter referred to as the "proposal") to the subject of alternative dispute resolution, if the merchant answered the request in accordance with paragraph 1 in the negative or did not respond to it within 30 days from the day it was sent.
- The proposal is submitted by the consumer to the relevant body of alternative dispute resolution; the possibility to turn to the court is not affected by this.
- If there are several alternative dispute resolution entities responsible for the alternative dispute resolution, the consumer has the right to choose which of them to submit a proposal to. Provisions of the contract, which oblige the consumer to submit a proposal to a predetermined entity of alternative dispute resolution, are not taken into account.
- The consumer shall attach to the proposal documents related to the subject matter of the dispute which prove the facts stated in the proposal. In the case of a dispute arising from the exercise of liability for defects, the consumer can provide their consent in the proposal to providing a statement by a qualified person.
- The proposal can be submitted in paper form, electronically or orally on the record, unless otherwise stated in the rules of the alternative dispute resolution body. In order to file a proposal, the consumer may use a form, a template of which is available on the website of the ministry and of each alternative dispute resolution body.
The terms and conditions are valid from July 1st 2024.